Theory class Michiel
Class Pendar
own sketches - not related to noa
class Natalia
embodied spaces and objects
Working on my maquette for Noa

To sum up my interview/talk with Noa I found that she is in an inspirational/motivational rut, which I can relate to all too well. Her work and answers to my questions led to a big contrast. Noa herself is chaotic, but when it comes to her work everything needs to be exactly perfect.
Therefore, I want to show the contrast between chaotic and structured. And show a rut, I think she might be in.

My first idea was to use my body and create a series portraying a chaotic, structured and inspiration less feeling - using myself as a model is not going to make it feel more like Noa - so I switched my visuals up.

To be able to accomplish certain feelings in a material I find clay the most to adjust to your movement which portraits your the feeling.
Michiel's class
Hito Steyerl

Aesthetics of Resistance is the title of Peter Weiss’ seminal novel
mentioning the documentary work of Sergei Tretjakov
Hans Richter coins the term film essay or essay film as capable of visualizing theoretical ideas. He refers to one of his own works made already in 1927 called Inflation, an extremely interesting experimental film about capitalism running amok
Walker Evans - photographer
The relation of art and science is again explicitly mentioned in Juan Garcia Espinosa’s manifesto For an Imperfect Cinema
Walter benjamin - philosopher
Benjamin Buchloh “creates an aesthetics of administration”.

500 words
takes about your process
due on Osiris on day of assessment April 30 - before 6pm
use a quote or a source or refrese (take thought and tell it in your own words - inspiring, pissed you off etc.)
don't have to answer all the questions - use them to guide you
what, how, why


class pendar
concerns/wishes maquette

- wish to make it at the academy and making use of the material station
- wish

using the findings from the individual maquettes and the conversations with your peer’s room as a starting point, you will gather as a group and collectively and inclusively imagine and give shape to the entirety of those rooms, by intertwining them and meaningfully making them become one sole entity. What type of alternatives for social gathering can the collection of these multiple locations provide?

Together you will create one entity that contains these individual spaces, with the condition that this new outcome provides an alternative for social gathering. You may expand on what social gathering may be and decide for yourselves whether your ideas lean towards intimate forms of collectivity (small groups), community specific spaces or a broader public, amongst other possibilities.

The decision over creating this collective space will be done by reaching consensus. This should be done in the third week. The process of this consensus can be moderated (but not inspired) by the tutors to reach an inclus

what are the SIMILARITIES:
- colourful
- shapes
- physical materials
- abstract
- texture

SAFE SPACE - your room is a space where you can do whatever you want and nobody has to know

when is something a safe space?

maybe something like making a clay mould, manipulating it and pouring plaster inside to get funky 3D structures

chaotic vs structured
safe space

how does it relate to everybody?
role division
safe space from a fragile material


in de safespace hoor je een bepaald soort muziek die bij je past en dat leidt het wezen in dit geval naar een instrument
Intro: Het wezen loopt buiten in de postapocalystische wereled, er gaat een gerucht rond van een ruimte die je een safespace die je een openbarende ervaring geeft.
Intro: Het wezen loopt buiten in de postapocalyptische wereld, er gaat een gerucht rond van een ruimte die je een openbarende ervaring geeft. Een zogenaamde safespace. Dit wezen is er al jaren naar opzoek.
de kamer is het intrument
De zoektocht naar het instrument
Kamer = het instrument
Het einde is het vinden van het instrument, wat een ruimte blijkt te zijn waar je naar binnen kan, om daar de "muziek van je ziel" (help wat typ ik nu weer) te horen en volledig tot rust te komen.

ze kwam net zeggen dat we pauze hebben tot 11 uur en dat we daarna een intro midden en slot moeten bedenken
die hoeven we nog niet uit te schrijven, maar als concept meer
en dan om half 12 gaan we da

Setting : Safe space

Main characters : 2: met de veilige ruimte bedoelen we een plek waar je kunt doen wat je maar wilt, niemand hoeft te weten wat er gebeurt. alle wezens zijn welkom. wezens die je kunt relateren aan dieren, mensen of buitenaardse natuurkunde. Zodra het wezen de veilige ruimte binnenstapt, komen hun diepste verlangens en fascinaties in henzelf op en beginnen ze ernaar te handelen.

Period of time : 2062 postapocalyptisch

Main event : Het vinden van een muziekinstrument

Theme : In deze safe space kun je niet anders als een emotie volledig uitdrukken zonder enkele schaamte, wanneer je de task hebt voldaan kom je in een kamer waar de kamer jouw lichaam overneemt en je de emotie niet kan tegen gaan.

- A recap. Since the apocalypse the creature has been looking for a thing called "The instrument". It has heard stories about "the instrument" and how creatures have found true peace. Unconsciously the creature knows that the sound of the instrument, which it has been trying to find/follow, will lead it to a certain state of relief. After months of searching and collecting clues, it finally knows where it should be.
- The creature is stumbling around and sees a building in the distance. Once it get closer to the building it can see an open door and is intrigued to go in.
- Once the creature steps into the front room the instrument/music starts producing different sounds. These sounds trigger fears. By going through a personal psychological mental journey the creature can overcome its fears and the room of the safe space opens.
- Now that the safe space has been opened and the creature is allowed to proceed the creature steps inside the safe space. The safe space becomes personalised to the creature that is in the space itself.
- Open to interpretation regarding what happens to the creature and what the creature has longed for. In the end finding relief.

2062, 40 years since the apocalype and I am still finding my way in this new world. Everything has changed, the buildings look dirty and are starting to fall in decay. I feel like I have no home. That is why I started collecting stories and searching for something called "The instrument". It is said that that is the only place where people find true peace within themselves. As if it were an oasis in this fallen world. Something in me is longing for that. If only for a moment. The feeling of finally knowing why I still am here today. And today, I think I found it. People always directed me to the east so I started walking and exploring the area. And as I am speaking I am stumbling apon a building in the distance.

once I get closer to the building I feel like I have to go inside, something inside is calling me. Is this then finally the instrument?

I hear the sound of the instrument, a sound that brings out fears in me. Fears that I have always suppressed and did not dare to admit. I wonder if this is what I am looking for and doubt whether I should go further and listen to these sounds. I absorb the sounds and decide to accept them. I get further into space, the sounds become finer and I accept that the fears enter my body. I see an entrance appear and open the door.

As I step inside I hear a different sound then the one before. This one gives me warm feelings. The further I step inside, the more I forget the fear from before. The stories were true. This is the instrument.


de criteria van de pres:Practice Final Presentation – Assessments:

The final presentation will take place online.

Each group will be asked to present their progress (individual rooms) and final work in whatever format they find suitable.

All students from the group must participate in this final presentation.

Each group will have 10 minutes to present the work and 10 minutes feedback from your peers and tutors.

Practice assessment criteria:

· Each student and group experiments with their own work processes and makes constructive use of feedback to improve the organizational workflow, process and result of the work.

· You organize and execute labour efficiently (both individually and as a group), making the best use of the technological spaces and material resources you have at hand.

· You translate your ideas and concepts into a work that can lead to collaboration and collective thinking. In this process, you negotiate your ideas with your peers and experiment with technologies, techniques, materials and aesthetics that relate to the subject.

· In the final presentation the group negotiates and explores their artistic qualities and artistic vision. The group is able to reflect upon the successes and failures in the process.
My final maquette of Noa's room

Using the texts:
Eternally yours - Ed van Hinte
The production of knowledge in artistic research- Henk Borgdorff
DE_SIGN: Revealing the condition of the Mediated Body - Gabriel A. Maher
Our final story to let the public understand the concept of the safe space
to get a better view of the entire maquette - no sounds - just focus on the sculpture